Our Partnership
This project is co-lead by Mithun and the Green Health Partnership, as part of their long-term research and practice collaboration.
Mithun is an integrated design firm that first caught the attention of many from the public health sector when they applied a Health Impact Assessment to develop the Mariposa Healthy Living Initiative to guide the development of a mixed-income, mixed-use community in Denver that kick-started their Design for Health Initiative. Mithun is an internationally recognized leader in sustainability, combining exemplary design with a focus on building and site performance, human health and social & racial equity. Mithun contributes thought leadership, to dialogue and publications, and to development of industry-wide standards in pursuit of these goals, including LEED for Neighborhood Development, Sustainable SITES, the EcoDistricts Global Protocol, and the Enterprise Green Communities Criteria.
The Green Health Partnership (GHP) is an academic research and development group between the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the U.S. Green Building Council with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Since 2013, GHP has worked with the U.S. Green Building Council and GRESB to develop generalized, practice-oriented health promotion processes including the LEED Integrative Process for Health Promotion for use by green building practitioners and the GRESB Health & Well-being Module for use by real estate companies and investors. We hope to leverage our combination of perspectives, experience and networks to help building practitioners make stepwise progress towards population health and equity.
Who We Are
Green Health Partnership
Green Health Partnership (GHP) is an academic research and development group between the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the U.S. Green Building Council with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The GHP utilizes the green building movement as a platform and blueprint for creating a self-sustaining, scalable market for health promotion within the real estate industry.

Kelly Worden, MPH - Project Co-Chair and Lead Author

Matthew Trowbridge, MD MPH - Project Team and Contributing Author

Alexandra Hopkins, MPH - Project Team and Contributing Author
Mithun is an integrated design firm dedicated to creating positive change in people’s lives. As a national practice with offices in Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles, we are a unified design studio with an open and collaborative spirit founded on a process of inquiry and listening.

Erin Ishizaki, Partner, AIA, AICP, LEED AP ND - Project Co-Chair and Lead Author

Emma O'Connor-Brooks, Associate - Project Team and Contributing Author

Mckayla Dunfey - Project Team and Contributing Author, Graphic Design and Animation

Robinick Fernandez, Senior Associate - Project Team and Contributing Author, Graphic Design and Narration