LEED Integrative Process for Health Promotion (LEED Health Process) Pilot Credit
LEED’s Integrative Process for Health Promotion pilot credit (LEED Health Process) guides project teams through a systematic consideration of a project’s health, well-being, and equity impacts. This process helps teams prioritize both design and programmatic strategies based on the most pressing health needs of the community.
The LEED Health Process begins when a health champion - a mission-driven individual or organization - makes the decision to intentionally promote health and well-being in their building or community, and continues throughout the life cycle of the project to help teams”
Identify a Health Expert. Partner with a health expert to help identify health and well-being goals and facilitate engagement with impacted communities.
Assess Community Needs. Use public health data to tailor project goals to the health, well-being, and equity needs of the community.
Take Action. Choose design and programmatic strategies to meet the project’s health, well-being, and equity goals.
Monitor Outcomes. Evaluate the impact of selected strategies to gain a greater understanding of how design affects performance.